Why Choose Us?
Safety Guarantee
PZBUY always guarantees your account safety,Delivery processing is always completed by safe and time-proven methods, almost zero odds of being suspended or banned.
Fast Delivery
Your order will be started within a short time if all details you've filled are correct.
Professional Service Support
Our Customer support & Delivery service is open 24/7, you can contact with Live Chat for any questions you are concerned.
Competitive prices
We ensure safety, speed, and professional service quality while also offering highly competitive prices.
Our Advantages
Common Questions
Click on Login/Sign Up button and enter your email, password and comfirm password. Make sure that the email address is available, otherwise you will not be able to get the notifications of order progress. We guarantee that your information is highly secured.
You can also register directly with your social media account, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, Steam, or Discord.
1.Choose platform and coins face value:
On the FC 25 coin product list page, first confirm the platform to which your game account belongs.
Next, choose the coins face value based on your needs.
2.Order purchase:
Click the 'Buy Now' button to enter the payment page.
If the required number of coins exceeds the current face value, you can choose to purchase multiple coin products and click on 'Pay Now'.
3.Fill in account information:
After successful payment, enter the order details page.
On this page, fill in your EA account, password, and 4 backup codes.
After completing the form, click the 'Submit' button.
4.Waiting for orders and contact:
We will automatically start processing your order.
If there are any issues during the order process, we will contact you through the contact information provided in your order.
5.matters needing attention:
Please ensure that the account information you provide is secure and accurate.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact our customer service support at any time.
Dear user, if you encounter any problems during the purchase or use of our products, please feel free to contact our customer service team at any time. For your convenience in timely communication, we provide the following two contact methods:
2. Email
Please clarify your question, and the assistance you would like to get. We will reply to you as soon as possible.
No matter which contact method you choose, our customer service team will be dedicated to serving you. Please maintain patience and politeness, we will do our best to solve your problem and provide satisfactory answers. Looking forward to your visit and feedback!
User Comments
  • FC 24 Coins
    Melboure Australa
    LEGIT!! Highly recommend ‼️ (CFB25)
    2024/09/11 14:00
  • FC 24 Coins
    Melboure Australa
    Very fast and reliable service 10/10
    2024/09/11 14:00
  • FC 24 Coins
    Melboure Australa
    First time using the service and very happy. Will definitely use again.
    2024/09/11 14:00
  • FC 24 Coins
    Melboure Australa
    Fast good costume service and fair price
    2024/09/11 14:00
  • FC 24 Coins
    Melboure Australa
    Great service for fc coins quick delivery
    2024/09/11 14:00
  • FC 24 Coins
    Melboure Australa
    Fast and reliable
    2024/09/11 14:00
  • FC 24 Coins
    Melboure Australa
    Fast and good supply!!
    2024/09/11 14:00