Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Consent Privacy Policy
By using the company’s websites, you acknowledge that you have read this privacy policy and you consent to the practices described herein with respect to the company’s collection, use and disclosure of the personal information provided by you to us. this is the company's entire and exclusive privacy policy and it supersedes any earlier version. we reserve the right to change this privacy policy in accordance with the terms herein at any time, which is why we encourage you to visit this page often, review this privacy policy frequently, and remain informed about any changes to it.
PZBUY.COM respects your privacy and works hard to safeguard the privacy of your personal data. We realize that the exciting growth of the Internet and online services raise questions concerning the nature, use and confidentiality of information collected about consumers. We want you to know that we apply our long-standing commitment of safeguarding privacy to our online and Internet activities.In addition to this general online privacy policy, you may receive notice of other terms that apply to particular promotions or services.
Special Offers and Updates
PZBUY.COM collects information about which sections of its web site you visit most often so that it can send you our newsletter and information about relevant offers, promotions, contests, and sweepstakes which may interest you.
accordingly, the company will occasionally send you information on products, services, special deals, promotions and sweepstakes.
Personally Identifiable Information
PZBUY.COM does not share, disclose or sell any personally-identifiable information (such as your name, address, telephone number or e-mail address) collected online on PZBUY.COM′ sites with other unaffiliated companies or organizations for non-PZBUY.COM marketing purposes. Because this information is a critical part of our business, it would be treated like our other assets in the context of a merger, sale or other corporate reorganization or legal proceeding.
For payment security reason, we occasionally have a check at every transaction, which costs a few minutes. At most time, payments can be verified very quick. But sometimes we also request more information from you. We may need more information include Phone call or even a valid government issued ID such as driver license and passport etc.
Privacy Security:
We have encrypted the member information, it will not be saved or available to anyone. we do not disclose this information to any third party.
License and Site Access:
PZBUY.COM grants you a limited license to access this site and to purchase the products and use the services offered through this site for personal use only. this license does not permit the following, all of which are strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the company: modifying, duplicating, copying, or any derivative use of this site or its contents; any collection or use of any product listings, descriptions, or prices; any use of data mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction devices; using or framing any trademark, logo, or other proprietary information.
Your Account:
If you use this site, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password and for restricting access to your computer, and you agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or password. the company reserves the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, remove or edit content, or cancel orders in its sole discretion.
Entire Agreement:
These "terms and conditions"and"Privacy Policy" constitute the entire agreement between you and the company regarding the subject matter hereof.And The final interpretation right belongs to PZBUY.COM